Our Story

Taking dating to a whole new level Kim and Lisa purchased a vacation cottage rental in the Spruce Sands Area after 3 months of dating!

Kim and Lisa had known each other for over 25 years but never having traveled in the same circles they reconnected online and went on a date June 2nd, 2020.

It all began with Covid and Online dating!

Kim spent some time with Lisa at her family cottage in Spruce Sands. One thing lead to another and on September 7th, they purchased the Iconic A-Frame in the area. October 8th they took possession and KALS Vacation Rentals was born and their renovating journey began!

New relationships are exciting and in the first few months a couple should take time and enjoy each other…..well Lisa and I did that and in the 3rd month we purchased a vacation rental! Crazy right??? Maybe…but not for us!

Having mutual friends and knowing of each other for over 25 years we reconnected online and went out June 2nd on our 1st date. Two and a half months later we were cruising around Spruce Sands where Lisa’s family cottage is in Lisa’s bestie’s BMW convertible. The 3 of us jammed in, top down as if we were in a golf cart. 

Renovating is the ultimate stress test for any relationship let along a new one. A major home/cottage renovation tends to expose any small relationship weakness, causing relationships to collapse. This was not the case for Lisa and I…it actually made it stronger.  We saw the big picture together.  We set intentions, saw the finish line and the felt the success. Don’t get me wrong we’ve had our fair share of renovation errr... “discussions” but we took a breath and talked it out.

Prior to demo day we decided to divide and conquer! I had a design concept for the A-Frame so I would be the one to communicate with the subtrades. Lisa believed in me and my creative vision, so she trusted me when I picked the colours, finishes, and selected furniture, etc.   She was going to be the person on site everyday and would be my eyes and ears for the project.  Lisa began to learn how to use all the tools that were on site so every weekend when I arrived, she was so proud to show me that her skill set was expanding.  Before I knew it, she was cutting all the boards for the project. I am so very proud of her. The Divide and Conquer technique worked!

The renovation took longer than planned mostly due to us adding on to the original project. There did come a time that we hit a wall! We just wanted it done! This happened a few times but thankfully it was at different times for each of us.  When this would happen, we would reassure each other about the finish line and the success we would have. That would usually refresh our mindset and energy level.

Although it was hard at times, we kept our sense of humour.  You really need to when you are staying where you are renovating and finding frozen water lines in the morning when you are getting ready for work. Having everything covered in dust, washing dishes in a laundry sink, and sleeping on a mattress tossed on boxes of flooring. Who lives like that?? We did!  These moments along with many more pleasant ones are memories we will always treasure!  I can’t count the number of times we burst out laughing or had random dance parties.

Lisa was so good at celebrating the milestones and she focused on all the accomplishments along the way. That is where we differ.  I like to wait until the project is completed and then reflect on how far we have come and all that we have created!  Regardless, we both kept our eye on the prize and when shit went sideways, we told ourselves…. this too shall pass.  We stayed positive and focused on that day when the renovation was all done, and the A-Frame was fully rented. Lisa and I are proof that it doesn’t matter how long you have been together, if you are a good team and can renovate together and actually enjoy it…you are meant to be!!!

Our Intention is simple: We hope from the minute you walk through the door you feel all the love that went into renovating this A-Frame and that your family will enjoy and create their own memories!

 We would be honoured if you chose the A-Frame for your next Dream Cottage Vacation.

Blog written in 2020.